Week 5 & 6

Legal issues, in my opinion, are something that goes through a lot of due processes before the proper jurisdiction will be given to both parties in the underlying case. Providing legal judgment towards various situations occurring physically in the real world is already a difficult decision and task to make. Sentencing a murderer or a thief a corresponding punishment of imprisonment seems to be justifiable given that the accused is found guilty with the presentation of strong evidence against him. But what if the evidence will prove the suspect guilty is intangible or volatile? This will elevate the judiciary system into a whole new level when it comes to dealing with cybercrimes. The issues of taking on cybercrimes such as hard to logical assets from physical ones, high technicalities, and global range of effect, are the main reasons why dealing with cybercrime is like finding a needle in the haystack whether they are computer-assisted, computer-targeted or computer-incidental crimes.

In terms of privacy, in my opinion, you are more likely to be safer from physical or man-made threats than compared to cyberthreats. The two main reasons for this are:  1) Cybercrime extends globally meaning, criminals can range from your neighbors to strangers from halfway around the globe and 2) The possibilities of threat are limitless. Privacy tackles various issues from control over personal information, derivative rights, and tort. What I’ve learned about privacy is that there are two founding principles: It is not a basic requirement of our society and you should not expect a level of privacy in public spaces.
